Abridged Essay- Locus of control and Explanatory Style- Summary and Reflection

Locus of control is an expression of awareness regarding responsibility on a continuum ranging from internal or external. Internal Locus of control is the realized responsibility one has for causes of meaningful circumstances, whereas external locus of control is where the responsibility for circumstances is placed on external causes. Keeping yourself motivated is difficult when you maintain an external locus of control. You believe there is little you can do to bring you to where you want to be. An internal locus of control is accepting that factors for getting you to where you want to go are in your control. When you have an internal locus of control the responsibility you have to yourself for achievement is greater. When you believe your abilities, task difficulty, effort, and luck are internal, stable, controllable, and specific you no longer struggle with the idea that things are beyond your control or that you are flawed. You directly increase motivation by this empowering mentality.
Authors Schulmulsky and Gobbo conducted research with LD’s that pointed out a correlation between students with an internal locus of control and their explanatory style. While having an internal locus of control is the first step towards assuming responsibility and being open to progress towards achievement, the explanatory style in which they face circumstances in paramount in dictating their success. Research showed that LD’s tend to carry a more internal pessimistic explanatory style that directly relates to their diagnosis and their self efficacy. This causes them to view negative behavior or circumstances as something they are responsible for but out of their control, something global and stable. The internal optimistic explanatory style viewed negative behaviors or circumstances as a personal responsibility but view them as more unstable, controllable, and specifically caused. The study showed that an optimistic explanatory style correlated with higher levels of self esteem, self-image and self efficacy while an internal pessimistic explanatory style associated with depression, anxiety and hopelessness.
I scored high on the assessment towards an internal locus of control. This is no surprise as I am fully aware of the responsibility I have to making myself a success, something I attribute to no other. I’ve developed immensely throughout the years, and most recently experienced more life changing epiphanies than any other time in my life. In hindsight, I recognized the times I associated with a more external locus of control caused the most direct stunts on my personal development. As I matured and I developed an understanding of myself and my responsibilities, I leaned all the more toward an internal locus of control. The major turning point in my progression has been the change from that of a negative explanatory style to that of an optimistic explanatory style. I no longer care what the formal education system or diagnoses say about my abilities (or disabilities interpreted as lack of ability for a long time). I know what I want, and I have willed myself to put faith in shaping the life I expect to achieve through the appropriate time and energy allocated to factors within my circle of influence that would ensure success. No one will get me there but me, and no one can tell me what abilities I possess or don’t possess that will dictate whether or not I succeed, because I will do or learn whatever it takes.
In conclusion, there is nothing that will circumvent the resolve of a determined soul. I recognize my responsibility to search for solutions that would pave the road for success. A positive mentality or an optimistic explanatory style is the only suggestion I need to lean on as thoughts pass to and fro within my mind. Weeds of negative thought must be constantly groomed and constant attention to the positive qualities I’ve accumulated through persistent effort. The only factor that would hinder my success is the lack of a positive mental attitude (and to not grow, adapt, change, remain open to new ideas…you get my point). I would feel very disappointed knowing it’s a responsibility I have to myself to succeed and knowingly let any excuse of lack of ability or doubt in my expectations be the reason for failure.

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