Random creative (or not so creative) wiriting about killing

I grab his face and slam it against the solid wood desk. I lean in and wisper in his ear “What the fuck are you trying to prove motherfucker?” I continue clenching his face, my fingers sinking deep into his eye sockets. He flails his arms in a desperate rant and claws at my wrist. I am unmoved and unphased. I try pulling his face off but his head and body come with, so I slammed his head on the desk once more, this time cracking his skull like an egg. He let out a half shout, half gasp, of air that seemed to last an agonizing long while. I felt warm liquid on my hands as I examined his twitches. There were pools of blood in his eye sockets. My fingers individually penetrated the depths on his skull, plunging far past his facial flesh and into warm soft tissue that spurted streams and eventual rivers of blood. His heart was still beating. He was still alive. I let go, as if to throw a useless piece of trash on the floor, and he slide softly to the floor in a marienette kind of motion. There was no one manning the strings.

I got up and walked down the hall. Ever other ceiling tile contained a flouroescent energy saver light-bulb. The hallway was hallow and it felt purely artificial. I stopped at the EXIT ONLY door at the end of the hall. I patted each of my pockets and plunged my hand down to examine their contents. ‘There ya go’  I thought. Pulling out a used tissue, crumbled and falling apart, I wiped my blood stained finger-tips, doing my best to remove the flesh wedged between my finger nails.

I opened the door and was greeted by an emergency buzzer. I continued to walk through as my eyes spasmed and squinted against the will to see. Outside was brilliant and blinding. I continued to walk. I could hear children playing not too far off. Playful laughter of hide and go seek. The pitter-patter of their little feet zooming along. My eyes adjusted. It was bright. The sky was blue. The grass was green. My shoes were black- with small spots of red. I crossed the lawn and found my car. I nearly seared my fingers off trying to open the door.  Leaning to get in- my lungs filled with lava like heat, causing me to nearly lose my breath as I breathed in. I sat down, light headed and dazed. Half from the adrenaline, half from the heat. I was a little too eager to get inside the car. It was a stifling hundred degrees. I peered out the window. The streets were empty.

 I looked past the streets, past the grass, past the trees and the sky and the reality around me and delved into a trance. I swam in a pool of thoughts. I was indifferent. Searching for a word to make me feel anything. I wanted some reassurance I was alive. My black slacks only futhered the baking process. I wiped my forehead as little beads of sweat began banning together to cascade down my forehead and cheek. sweat began soaking through my pants into the velvet red seats of the 87 lincoln town car. They  were sun bleached yellow. I smacked the seats with my hand and a bellow of dust saturated the air, swirling and catching the suns rays shining through the window. I wiggled the key into the ignition and started the car.

I turned to Jill and focused on her for a moment, thinking of a question worth our time to take us away from our thoughts.
“Are you happy?”
She turned quickly and we locked eyes in a cold stare for a brief moment, before she let out her curvy smile- the one that makes me smile cause it’s so damn sexy.
“What makes you ask?”
“I get the impression there are a lot of people who don’t know what happiness is. I feel like they settle.”
She continued smiling as if she was tinkering around in my head, trying to figure out my direction. She seemed to be getting some pleasure from the challenge.
“I’m as happy as I decide to be. I suppose if i chose to see things differently life would be a bit different, including my happiness, now wouldn’t they? I do my best. Does that answer your question?”
I’m not the most romantic conversationalist and it often happens that we get into these dry rhetorical talks.
“Whats your best? Do you think you try your best everyday?”
She paused, looked down and lifted her eyes out of the deep thought “My best. I do my best according to what I believe I’m capable of. I just put my faith that my best will suffice for the circumstances.”

By this time we were parked in front of Publix Shopping center. It was 1:30pm. Still hot as hell.
I proceeded to pull out my .50 cal desert eagle from under my seat. She smiled. Her eyes smiled. I melted inside. I pointed the muzzle at her and winked.

The flash was searing. I blew my eardrums out. I was blinded by a mist of blood floating in the air as it began clotting in my eyes. I do remember.  It took her head clear off, right out the window like a puff of smoke.

I took a drag from my cigarette. The cherry burned deep red and crackled. I held it for a moment and exhaled into the air like a dragon blowing fire. I glanced around the bar and took another sip of my bear. It was warm. Blue Ribbon Label. It tasted like stagnant water.


the degenerating fear society perpetuates

        “It’s ironic. Radicals dream midnight police raids, or sit around over coffee and talk with glittering eyes about Repression–about those internment camps that are waiting empty. And all the time Miss Jones does her quiet thing with the kids in third grade. People like to chat about the fascist threat or the communist threat. But their visions of repression are for the most part romantic and self indulgent: massacres, machine guns drowning out La Marseillaise. And in the meantime someone stops another tenth grader for a hall pass check and notices that his T-shirt doesn’t have a pocket on it. In the meantime the Bank of America hands out another round of high-school achievement awards. In the meantime I grade another set of quizzes. God knows the real massacres continue. But the machine gun isn’t really what is to be feared most in our civilized Western world. it just isn’t needed all that much. The kids leave Miss Jones’ class. And they go on to junior high and high school and college. And most of them will never need to be put in an internment camp. Because they’re already there. Do you think I’m overstating it? That’s what’s so frightening: we have the illusion that we’re free. In school we learn to be good little Americans–or Frenchmen–or Russians. We learn how to take the crap that’s going to be shoveled on use all our lives. In school the state wraps up people’s minds so tight that it can afford to leave their bodies alone. Repression? You want to see victims of repression? Come look at most of the students at San Diego State College, where I work. They want to be told what to do. They don’t know how to be free. They’ve given their will to this institution just as they’ll continue to give their will to the institutions that engulf them in the future.”

                          –Jerry Farber


        What’s to be feared most of all in our civilized western world is actually more nauseating than any senseless act of violence. I actually become emotionally burdened when I think of the utter disgrace we experience on a routine basis, continually throughout the course of our lives, as we breathe in and live a doctrine that condones a repression of our desires. What should be feared most is the complete lack of thought we give to the choices that should matter. I state the problem once more: LACK OF THOUGHT. This makes me want to grab people by the neck and shake them as hard I can in hopes that they gasp and wake from their state of servitude and rip off the shackles that have been holding them down. Rousseau declared it best when he wrote “Man was born free, and he is everywhere in chains”. Our society perpetuates this lack of thought. We accept what we’re given! From our parents, our teachers, our bosses, our government, our religions- and FAIL to realize the responsibility we have to ourselves are free human beings to do anything and be anything we want. We simply have been told what to think and we discredit any thought we do of our own. In the civilized western world there is a mentality that has molested our minds and has caused us to halt all self-motivated advances in fear of failure, punishment, or just about anything that stands to tear us back down.
The commentary by Jerry Farber is illustrating a problem that has persisted throughout time. We are in bondage. We have no lack of excuse. We are now more than ever before submersed with knowledge and insight, yet we continue to let the milestone around our necks grow heavier as we grow tired. We are trained, programmed, and tied down. Fed answers and taught to obey and surrender to someone else’s ideals, passions and revelations while we silently suffer suffocate inside. This is an epidemic that is sweeping the world we live in. We hang on the words and promises of those in power, yet receive nothing for the lives we were conned to forfeit. There is no reward at the end of it all. There is no great cause. There is no great war. We were manipulated and lied to. Now we are empty and sad and slowly growing pissed. There is a great depression. That depression is our lives. There should be no wonder why we lie, cheat, steal, and take the lives of others. The civilized system that governs over us lies to us, cheats us into thinking happiness is around the corner, steals our dreams and takes our lives. No wonder.
Jerry Farber illustrated the brutal truth of the matter by exposing the broken lives all around us. Depressed and hungry for some truth to aid their exasperated lives in the aimless search for content. The perception that there is something dangerous out there and we need to rise up in arms. There is nothing to fear out there. There is no one bashing down our door. There is a war, but this war exists at home. The battles are fought in the hallways and classrooms of our schools. The heartbreaking reality is the population is losing. We are taught to surrender our will to another’s. If our founding fathers in this western world were the radical thinkers, we over the generations of time have become the passive non-thinkers.
The fear to be recognized is the void that exists in the spirit of men when we fail to recognize the responsibility we owe to a life we own. We fail to distinguish our individual value and the infinite potential inside us. We are told what to think, what to learn, what to fear, and we surrender our will in the process. Fear is the complacent attitude of the relinquished control of our lives.

fall tonight

Automated. Routine. My heart beats. I put one foot in front of the other. I inhale cold dry sharp air. I slowly breath out steam that drifts just in front of my face. I idle. Partially in fear, partially in favor of the rewards for being patient.I lean a little to far in one direction and over commit. I reach for something to grab onto, anything to save me, but I’m already falling. It’s too late.

babbling about women

Women. I have this thing. I want the best. As it pertains to a Woman who’s the best well… she’s gotta want the best. Not superficially. I’m talking about ideally. Ideals like wanting to live the most fulfilling enjoyable life possible. Someone who realizes the control that we have over our thoughts and actions to bring us to our every circumstance. Actions that shape our character and circumstances that shape our destiny. I want a woman who is it. Inside and out. It may be a bit lofty but then again you get what you ask for- and I refuse to settle for anything less than what I see is achievable. I will never settle for the bare minimum.

 I’ve personally found it a waste of time to pursue the majority of women out there. Its a waste of time. Most of the women my age are just getting out of the hormonal thing. They’re just figuring out what they want- some never figure it out, some of them decide to settle for mediocrity, and some.. a very few.. aim high and don’t give much thought to anyone who’s not looking in the same direction. Women are usually a waste of time. I love women, I have many girlfriends and all that- but the good ones are seriously… rarely to be seen. And i personally could spend an awful long time looking when i could be getting my career on so when I do find her- I can give her everything and she’ll be like, “Now this is the kinda man I’ve been looking for”. I don’t like wasting my feelings or thoughts or any of that stuff when I could be directing them to get me where I want to be.

Some people would like to say that I need to explore and maybe their right. I’ve been told more often than not that you find the woman when you aren’t looking at all. I believe that. Some people think I’m afraid of being hurt, or afraid of opening up and exposing myself.  Those are plausible theories but I don’t think that I’m ready to buy into any of them. I’m very aware that the next few years are important in jetisoning me into the direction for success. I don’t have the time or energy for flakes. Love would be nice but I’m not ready for it and I can wait.

As far as women go, I don’t want just any woman. I want an intelligent woman who knows how to carry herself, who’s humble and knows as much as I do that any of the blessings accumulated could be gone at any second and we wouldn’t be any better off than anyone else.  You know.. all that good stuff… a creative thinker who’s chique and sassy and fun loving and easygoing and has naturally alluring sex appeal. Who’s a hard worker and committed. Who’s loving and thoughtful.

Actually… the biggest problem I have is finding a girl I’m actually sexually attracted to. Not in the way that I wanna dry hump their leg like most guys would do- but as it pertains to the chemistry between two people. Where, if I’m standing in the same room as her, I can feel her heart beating with mine. and I want to be with her, around her, and she makes my heart skip and jump and it’s effortless cause I wanna be with her and she wants me and there really aren’t too many other questions that need to be answered. Now that… that’s what I want. but she’s gotta be smart. I’ve had girls where the chemistry thing was good but man… when they opened their mouth I felt like they were dumbing me down every time i listened. I’m not trying to be rude or anything- it’s a true of the matter. so yea. life. school.


this weekend was pretty fun. All last week I was stressin for no reason. I think it was brought on in part to the lack of social stimuli. I have no desire to really mingle or play in vermont. I’m focused on doing what I have to do to get out of here. I guess that’s pretty close minded. I have this mentality that I’ve seen it all before- which is a horrible mentality to approach any situation but coming from florida to vermont was a giant back step. i’m trying my best to warm up to the idea of getting out and doing things with people. Slowly…anyway.

I was reading today about… some dude… and this chart. It’s a pyramid of needs. I’ve always thought of myself with layers. The most important is the spiritual health. Second is the mental health. Third is the physical/ emotional health. if ones out of balance it causes corrosion that erodes inward or outward. anyway. this guy introduced this whole pyramid that is based on ones performance and the importance of having each base before it stable in order to fulfill the next. The first and most important base was the physiological needs- those of basic survival aka food, water, shelter.
Second was safety needs- being in a secure environment to be able to focus and feel safe.
Third is social needs- to feel loved, accepted, and part of a group.
Fourth is esteem needs- the need for recognition and acknowledgment from others, as well as self respect and the sense of status or importance
Fifth is the Self-actualization needs- to develop to ones fullest potential.

If one of the subsequent needs weren’t met there would be a lack in motivation to succeed and achieve. Interesting I thought…. I tried to parallel it with my life and I found similarities.

I neglect certain aspects and eventually they catch up and I end up seeking them out- either positively or negatively. I need to be social- as much as I want to be a nerd and study all day and read, its lame and it has negative affects on my desire to achieve. My social needs coincide with the esteem needs. which coincide with the self actualization needs. anyway.

I think I fear that I’ll put myself around the wrong people. I despise destructive people with no goals who drift aimlessly from one mindless act to another- victims to their impulses or lack of thought. I want to put myself around the best- those who has a strong desire to achieve and overcome and honestly bask in the fruitful rewards of hard work and discipline towards worthwhile goals and ideals. I recently realized that these people don’t always pop out at you and you gotta go find them… and it’s alright if they have different goals then you. They still desire much from themselves.

My Personal Information


I’m pursuing a career in Business Management Consulting…

Reading & Learning, Lifting, Socializing, Doing Synergistic Things

i like everything in life. mostly figuring things out. i like to understand everything. and experience everything. traveling is good. i like good worthwhile things. I’m fascinated by wealth and success. i like me time. i like people a lot. i like fixing things. i like self expression. I’m usually all over the place always jumping from one passion to the next, but when i find something worthwhile i’m 1000% focused. I like truth because it never changes or lets you down. I like Psychology and Philosophy cause they break down people and i love people.


If i want to learn something i pick up a book and study it:
The Bible,
The five major puzzle pieces to life,
The 12 Pillars of Success,
On Writing Well,
The Magic of Thinking Big,
Seven Strategies to wealth and happiness,
The Richest Man in Babylon,
Think and Grow Rich,
Real Leadership in Real Time,
The Science of Getting Rich,
The Power of Positive Thinking,
How to Win friends and Influence people,
The 7 habits of highly effective people,
NLP at work,
The Magic of Believing,
Dare to be great,
The Wisdom of James Allen as a Man Thinketh,
Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Published works
Henry Thoreau’s Published works
Sir Francis Bacons Published works
The leader In You,
The tipping point,
Unlimited Power,
Mere Christianity,
Rich Dad Poor Dad,
Cashflow Quadrant,
Real Estate Riches,
The Law of Attraction by Michael Loiser,
The Teachings of Abraham,
Believe and Achieve,
How I raised myself from Failure to Success in Selling,
The Psychology of Safety handbook,
The Users Manual for the Brain Vol 1&2,
The Handbook of Magic for NLP,
The Discoverers
The Things they Carried
Friedrich Nietzsche’s Published works by Walter Kaufman
Success through a positive mental Attitude,
Brain Building
Covert Persuasion
Darwin’s Demise,
Logic: A short introduction
The Psychology of Winning
The Learning Brain
Walking on Water
The Philosophical Writings of Descartes Vol.1
The Social Contract by Rousseau


“…What the fool cannot learn, he laughs at, thinking that by his laughter he shows superiority instead of latent idiocy.” – The Life Everlasting by Marie Corelli

“What I must do is all that concerns me, not what the people think. This rule, equally arduous in actual and in intellectual life, may serve for the whole distinction between greatness and meanness. It is the harder because you will always find those who think they know what is your duty better than you know it. It is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.”-Emerson (Self-Reliance 1841)

Press on. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing in the world is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. -Calvin Cooliage

“Society – where you go when you lose your voice.”

” I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen, not only because I see it but by it I see eveything else.”
C.S. Lewis

“Envy is ignorance, imitation is suicide.”-Emerson

“People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do.” ~Lewis Cass

“show me your friends, and ill show you what kind of person you are”

“Pain is weakness leaving the body”

“The opposite of Love is Indifference”

“Here the ways of men part: If you wish to strive for peace of soul and pleasure, then believe; if you wish to be a devotee of truth, then inquire…”

“Anything worth having is worth working for”

” God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I Cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference”

“Who you are is who you decide to be at every moment of your waking life.” -MST

“Great minds have purposes, others have wishes”
-Washington Irving

About Me

My Personal Creed: I strive to be as genuine as possible. To do right in the midst of adversity. To be a gentlemen and a leader. To expect success and embrace responsibility. To keep an eternal perspective on the good things unseen, and be wary of being caught up in tangible, short lived things of this world. To have an eye for beauty and goodness; a heart for people. -MT

I believe strongly in Morals, Virtues, sound Values, Integrity and a good Character. I think they are the foundation for a Noble life and are worth the hardships to maintain them.

I expect the best from myself and this life. Anything else I can live without. I’ve thrown off the dregs that ensnare so many people in this world to be free to act according to my dreams as long as I’m willing to pay for it.


What dreams may come,
eternal sunshine for the spotless mind,
fight club,
a beautiful mind,
Good Will Hunting,
The Beach
Waking Life

My Personal Information


I’m pursuing a career in Business Management Consulting…

Reading & Learning, Lifting, Socializing, Doing Synergistic Things

i like everything in life. mostly figuring things out. i like to understand everything. and experience everything. traveling is good. i like good worthwhile things. I’m fascinated by wealth and success. i like me time. i like people a lot. i like fixing things. i like self expression. I’m usually all over the place always jumping from one passion to the next, but when i find something worthwhile i’m 1000% focused. I like truth because it never changes or lets you down. I like Psychology and Philosophy cause they break down people and i love people.


If i want to learn something i pick up a book and study it:
The Bible,
The five major puzzle pieces to life,
The 12 Pillars of Success,
On Writing Well,
The Magic of Thinking Big,
Seven Strategies to wealth and happiness,
The Richest Man in Babylon,
Think and Grow Rich,
Real Leadership in Real Time,
The Science of Getting Rich,
The Power of Positive Thinking,
How to Win friends and Influence people,
The 7 habits of highly effective people,
NLP at work,
The Magic of Believing,
Dare to be great,
The Wisdom of James Allen as a Man Thinketh,
Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Published works
Henry Thoreau’s Published works
Sir Francis Bacons Published works
The leader In You,
The tipping point,
Unlimited Power,
Mere Christianity,
Rich Dad Poor Dad,
Cashflow Quadrant,
Real Estate Riches,
The Law of Attraction by Michael Loiser,
The Teachings of Abraham,
Believe and Achieve,
How I raised myself from Failure to Success in Selling,
The Psychology of Safety handbook,
The Users Manual for the Brain Vol 1&2,
The Handbook of Magic for NLP,
The Discoverers
The Things they Carried
Friedrich Nietzsche’s Published works by Walter Kaufman
Success through a positive mental Attitude,
Brain Building
Covert Persuasion
Darwin’s Demise,
Logic: A short introduction
The Psychology of Winning
The Learning Brain
Walking on Water
The Philosophical Writings of Descartes Vol.1
The Social Contract by Rousseau


“…What the fool cannot learn, he laughs at, thinking that by his laughter he shows superiority instead of latent idiocy.” – The Life Everlasting by Marie Corelli

“What I must do is all that concerns me, not what the people think. This rule, equally arduous in actual and in intellectual life, may serve for the whole distinction between greatness and meanness. It is the harder because you will always find those who think they know what is your duty better than you know it. It is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.”-Emerson (Self-Reliance 1841)

Press on. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing in the world is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. -Calvin Cooliage

“Society – where you go when you lose your voice.”

” I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen, not only because I see it but by it I see eveything else.”
C.S. Lewis

“Envy is ignorance, imitation is suicide.”-Emerson

“People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do.” ~Lewis Cass

“show me your friends, and ill show you what kind of person you are”

“Pain is weakness leaving the body”

“The opposite of Love is Indifference”

“Here the ways of men part: If you wish to strive for peace of soul and pleasure, then believe; if you wish to be a devotee of truth, then inquire…”

“Anything worth having is worth working for”

” God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I Cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference”

“Who you are is who you decide to be at every moment of your waking life.” -MST

“Great minds have purposes, others have wishes”
-Washington Irving

About Me

My Personal Creed: I strive to be as genuine as possible. To do right in the midst of adversity. To be a gentlemen and a leader. To expect success and embrace responsibility. To keep an eternal perspective on the good things unseen, and be wary of being caught up in tangible, short lived things of this world. To have an eye for beauty and goodness; a heart for people. -MT

I believe strongly in Morals, Virtues, sound Values, Integrity and a good Character. I think they are the foundation for a Noble life and are worth the hardships to maintain them.

I expect the best from myself and this life. Anything else I can live without. I’ve thrown off the dregs that ensnare so many people in this world to be free to act according to my dreams as long as I’m willing to pay for it.

I’ve had debilitating anxiety the past week. My mind has been unfocused and that makes me nervous. Instead of seeing all the things I have to do as individual steps in order to achieve success, I was viewing them as an amassed problem that hung over my head -like a dark cold cloud that inhibited my ambition and vision. A mass like that I look at…and it overwhelms me. Its not a comforting feeling at all. Mid-terms were all this week. They were fun. I aced most of them- and the ones I haven’t gotten back yet I’m at least comfortable enough to say I did the best I could do without being focused. I need to examine the factors surrounding this stint of uneasiness. I have been working out religiously with great intensity. That means I’ve been paying special attention to a sound diet. I’m eating like a horse. Trying to gain some weight and hit the 190lb mark. My physique is lean- and I wanna get fat, at least temporarily in order to stimulate positive muscle growth. I’ve bee sidetracked with thinking about factors that would keep me from doing my best, instead of factors that sustain my best. And its all self-talk. One day at a time till I procrastinate into a hole and feel weak and alone and confused. Which is all bull.

I’m pretty retarded sometimes. As much as I know certain things, I fail to convict myself with their relevance. I know for a fact that continually focusing on problems will just amplify my problems. You look at the brown in a room and you’ll see the brown. Whatever it is you look for- whether or not you want it- you will get. I need to look for positive solutions and opportunities. That way I’ll only be aware of the beautiful array of possibilities that surround me and I fail to recognize.

I just need to relax. I put too my pressure on myself and it causes me to shut down and stop caring. I’m a logical perfectionist. This is good and bad. Perfection is feasible, but unattainable. In order to be perfect I realize that there are logical systems of truths and values that need to be instated in one’s life. Employing these systems all the time is key. I, however, cannot constantly produce this perfection all the time. When I fail to meet my standards, standards that are next to impossible for most, I get get discouraged and retain an ultra critical disposition of my self-efficacy. This is bad as I feel that I am flawed and incapable of maintaining this goal. Of course this is just bullshit. I realize I’m not perfect, and I can only do my best as it pertains to every day. I honestly expect way too much from myself. I expect to know everything, to read everything, to figure out everything, and basically just have all the answers. But I don’t. and that’s alright. I suppose a positive ray can be seen as it’s a worthy conviction- just not too realistic. so yea.

Sometimes I try thinking and I find myself with nothing to think about. So I move onto something such as a book. A book usually inspires me and adds to the pool of thoughts I have to draw from. Especially the amazing classics. But!- sometimes this doesn’t work. So I workout and hope that changing the physiology of my body with help alter my train of thought and inspire me in some way. Sometimes this works and after an intense workout, and the release of endorphins start pumping throughout my body, I feel great and inspired. My mind picks up and runs with thoughts. Sometimes this fails to work. So I try finding stimulating people. That’s a challenge. Especially when all they talk about is trivial bullshit like the problems they bring on themselves when they sleep in and forget to study for a test and fail. or they talk about baseball. or they talk about stupid games. yea..

I like stimulating people who talk about the invigorating things in life- those people are a rare breed indeed. They talk about the idiosyncratic details involved with their feelings toward smiles and autumn and walking in the crisp air as the sun sets in the distance. I like those details. They’re a novel commodity that get thrown out as we get caught up in the big picture. When we fail to look at the details- we fail to appreciate the very details that make up that big picture. The details, those little satisfactions from saying what you mean and although it might be awkward to tell someone how beautiful they look today- its appreciated. They appreciate the honest sincerity in your eye, and I appreciate their beauty. When we’re transparent it makes life better.

But I fail to do this like I know I should. I get shy, I over think, I miss out on details, I miss compliments from others, and I fail to hand them out like I want to.

But life is good. and autumn is in full swing.

where is

Where is my inspiration. Where is my focus. my drive. my desire. where is the novelty in it all. Where is my reason? I want a reason.

My concentration is out of control at the moment. I feel dull and lethargic. I want to expand my mind. I’m stale and I don’t like it. I need stimulation. I need to read more. I feel that school is slowly sapping the satisfaction I got from learning. When it’s a chore there is no novelty. Its nothing new- everyday is the same.

I have this routine going on right now. Its making me nauseas. The same routine.

What is it that drives people crazy? I need to think life into myself. I need to invigorate. i need to find new. Fresh. novel. I am getting tired of solitude.

Where is my inspiration. Where is my focus. my drive. my desire. where is the novelty in it all. Where is my reason? I want a reason. 

My concentration is out of control at the moment. I feel dull and lethargic. I want to expand my mind. I’m stale and I don’t like it. I need stimulation. I need to read more. I feel that school is slowly sapping the satisfaction I got from learning. When it’s a chore there is no novelty. Its nothing new- everyday is the same. 

I have this routine going on right now. Its making me nauseas. The same routine.

What is it that drives people crazy? I need to think life into myself. I need to invigorate. i need to find new. Fresh. novel. I am getting tired of solitude.


What is the common bond between men?

Are we all working toward the same end in our own way through our own understanding? That end… is that inherent in us all? Is it up to each of us to interpret it for ourselves? Do people sell themselves short with their interpretations and perceptions? Do they deny facts here and ignore facts there that should be examined? Do they lack faith in their understanding? I believe nothing is coincidence. For every action there is a reaction. If you want to know why and want answers that are true- I believe that every thread to the fabric of life should be examined. Its origins noted & its relationship with every other thread, including the implications it imposes on them, should be examined thoroughly. Nothing is random. There is truth.

What is the common bond between men?


Are we all working toward the same end in our own way through our own understanding? That end… is that inherent in us all? Is it up to each of us to interpret it for ourselves? Do people sell themselves short with their interpretations and perceptions? Do they deny facts here and ignore facts there that should be examined? Do they lack faith in their understanding? I believe nothing is coincidence. For every action there is a reaction. If you want to know why and want answers that are true- I believe that every thread to the fabric of life should be examined. Its origins noted & its relationship with every other thread, including the implications it imposes on them, should be examined thoroughly. Nothing is random. There is truth.

communicating fulfillment

There are a million ways to say something. How do you communicate so they hear?

I can say thing’s a million different ways. Each way represents a different way of looking at the very same thing. How do you communicate so that people can universally hear what you’re saying? How can you convict someone enough to listen? How do you stress the enormity and importance of what you’re saying?

When I write for teachers I wonder… they have a perception. They think we’re coming from a certain place. This is true whether or not they think so or not. They can try as hard as they way but in the end they have a place in their mind where they imagine we’re coming from. This perception may skew the place of your actual reference point. They develop an understanding in their mind of what kind of progression I need to make. What if its not a about progression but desire? If my desire is there I can make any amount of progression in any amount of time.

When I talk to people I hear that sometimes I’m overwhelming. I say too much. I try to encompass everything into mere sentences. I feel like it’s my duty to let them know I can feel as they do. I am human. I am not scared to expose my soul. It’s been trampled. I am sensitive under it all.

Do people understand this? I don’t know- but I feel inclined to share with my arms as open as I can. People can only relate with the experiences they’ve earned. No more. They can dream and imagine and that’s great- but you can only work with the material you’ve been given. When I talk or write or whatever… I try to touch on the common human aspect as much as I can. Forget the experiences and differences. I am human and I want to relate that.

I feel that to accomplish this I need to use as many idea’s and understanding and perceptions as possible. I then feel inclined to choose the word that I can encapsulate or encompass or squeeze in or pack full of or saturate or develop or realize or specify- as much of the human commonality as I can. I think this involves speaking in truths. Truths are universal- whether or not the eye chooses to see it in it’s true color or not. That’s a decision. But when I truth is declare, it resonates with common human understanding. The longing for satisfaction and definition arrives and it eager, almost enthusiastic or tickled, to try it on for a better understanding.

The minds that refrain from thinking outside the comfortable walls, walls built out of a primitive and base desire for a fulfilling  life, will stay just as they are– enclosed from the light outside, and blinded by dark shadows caused by the wall they built for themselves. They do not see very far at all. The implications of their behavior and understanding as it relates to the scheme of life and reality is totally unimaginable to them in their eyes. They only see how to implicates their feelings and the world within the walls.


I started that thought from my original inquisitiveness brought on by accurately communicating. How to do you say it all in as few words as possible. Not everything. Not all understanding. Only the understanding another looks for. You cannot feed someone if they are not hungry. I know that people hunger for more than just bread and I want to provide that satisfaction. I want to relay something that will cure them of their search.

I want to communicate whatever needs to be communicated as the moment their eyes and ears engage for stimulating or thought provoking insight that will aid them on their journey for fulfillment and understanding.

What do you call that? I refer to it in so many ways. It’s not something, its a void that encompasses a huge amount of idea’s. Its the thirst for Understanding, Answers, Truth, Right, Betterment, Excellence, Love, Kindness, Hope, Faith, Strength, Passion, Joy, Happiness, Fun,—- I guess I would say… Fulfillment. To fulfill or Fill in Full. Whatever we try to fill is I suppose relative to whatever we’re looking for. But it doesn’t necessarily mean that it is fulfilling. Many times we think it’s going to fulfill us… until we realize it doesn’t. We want something more. Something more satisfying. A Perfection we can grasp onto.

Normalacy Fallacy

What is normal? What is this ‘society’ everyone talks about? Where is it? It’s almost conceived as a thing with a steady opinion- a box that we inevitably fall into and cannot escape. Where are these mass opinions that shut you down before you literally run out of breath and life? I feel that we do this to ourselves- our dreams and passions and tendencies- before we ever confront these demonic fiends that demand a social norm. There is a fallacy I beg to break away from. The fallacy that we need to develop ‘regularly’. Tell me what that means. Tell me what experiences I need to partake in so that we can universally share similar opinion or conclusions. So that we can agree on mass measures. So that we can deny our individual experiences that make these opinions- that ebb and flow with every passing day- so multifaceted and personal. I’m not even sure I want to know what these standard experiences and conclusions are. I will feel devoid of natural rhythm and balance. The feeling of servitude to anything but my passions is a neglectful abuse to the soul. And who are these people? Those who encapsulate the general opinion? I want to spit in their face for stifling these creative intuitions that I long to grab onto.

I was not made for a box. I was not made to fit into a category. I am not a predictable creature. I have a soul and I have a will as powerful as any force that would come against me. It is mine and I consciously choose my destiny with every passing thought. Each thought is mine and I have a choice to think whatever I wish- it is this I call my will. I have a will so powerful I can choose the fate of millions- for better or for worse- if I chose to. I am an individual with passion and love and a will- To do whatever the hell I want to do. NOT to follow the opinions of others. NOT to deny myself the opportunity of thought. NOT to back down when confronted with challenges and oppositions. To rise up and question thought. I want to dig down deeper and reach farther than everyone has before or after me. You tell me I’m incapable. You tell me I’m no good enough. Tell me I won’t make a difference. Tell me I’m not naturally apt or that I haven’t got it in me. I am a human as much as the rest of you. I want to feel human and OBEY my passions. This is the life force that keeps me FEELING alive.  Otherwise I may as well build myself a coffin and crawl into the inevitable truth that I am already dead.


I have an Idea for an invention. Maybe for diabetics or survival men or soldiers at war.

The idea is a jacket that creates glucose from light and pumps it into our body for a sustained source of energy. maybe a patch, maybe ingrained into the fiber of the material. But the technology would, through photosynthesis, create glucose from the lights rays and pump it into our blood stream. This would maintain a constant form of energy, in its rawest form, to our body. It would connect through an IV or some other insertion device.  A chip would regulate the glycemic index of our blood and regulate the production of glucose.

This would be beneficial to anyone who needs to do an extended physical exertion and maintain performance. You would go on forever and according to how hard you work, the device would pump that much glucose into your blood. It would keep you performing for hours.  You would still need to take supplements to regulate vitamin and mineral levels, as well as EFA’s and proteins, but the energy source would be constant. Interesting. I wonder if we have the technology.

Network (1976)

I don’t have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It’s a depression. Everybody’s out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel’s work, banks are going bust, shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter. Punks are running wild in the street and there’s nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do, and there’s no end to it. We know the air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat, and we sit watching our TV’s while some local newscaster tells us that today we had fifteen homicides and sixty-three violent crimes, as if that’s the way it’s supposed to be. We know things are bad – worse than bad. They’re crazy. It’s like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don’t go out anymore. We sit in the house, and slowly the world we are living in is getting smaller, and all we say is, ‘Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials and I won’t say anything. Just leave us alone.’ Well, I’m not gonna leave you alone. I want you to get mad! I don’t want you to protest. I don’t want you to riot – I don’t want you to write to your congressman because I wouldn’t know what to tell you to write. I don’t know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the street. All I know is that first you’ve got to get mad.
Howard Beale: [shouting] You’ve got to say, ‘I’m a HUMAN BEING, Goddamnit! My life has VALUE!’

don’t lie

Develop the urge to achieve excellence everyday. To do your best everyday. To out do yesterday’s performance and focus by making today the greatest day of your life. The greatest day of your life will simply mean nothing to your state in the future if you don’t maintain that progress. You need to realize this:  Anything you accomplish, no matter how great, will never be good enough to sustain you.  You need to get the itch to make an effort to achieve those great accomplishments that move you forward and ahead of the pack on a daily basis.

Be real with yourself. No matter how much talk and how many dreams you con conjure they won’t do anything unless they are backed with action. Confront the facts of life. Where you are and where you are going and what kind of efforts you’re producing to get you there. Analyze what needs to be sacrificed and what tools or skills or insight should be added. Churchhill said, “I…. have no need for cheering dreams. Facts are better than dreams.” When you are real with yourself you can be real with your progress and when you make the effort to move forward based on your genuine applied efforts, you can bask in the feelings of that reward.

Quote I read

A quote I read. It resonated within me:

“Modern schools and universities push students into habits of depersonalized learning, alienation from nature and sexuality,obedience to hierarchy, fear of authority, self objectification, and chilling competitiveness. These character traits are the essence of the twisted personality-type of modern industrialism.They are precisely the character traits needed to maintain a social system that is utterly out of touch with nature, sexuality, and real human needs.”

–Arthur Evans


The room is dimly lit. My fan hums quietly. The air is dry. There is a certain tranquility in the room. My blinds are half down and i can see the tops of big bellowing maple trees. ts mid autumn. Their leaves wave to me from their branches. It looks like they’re twinkling. They’ve started to turn yellow and orange. They sky isn’t summer blue anymore. It maintains a dusty feel. Its a feel that’s fitting when i look over the landscape and sees the leaves blowing across the sky. And there’s the dry air. It’s sharp to breath in and makes the skin  rough and ashy. I’m tired. Slightly sleep deprived but my mind races on.  I opened my book and I got lost in the pages. My imagination would take me away from what was being read and constant attention was diverted to maintain the storyline. I put the book down on my chest, still opened to my page. My head still propped up with two pillows. My eyes are heavy. All around the edges they get heavier as if I’m growing weaker. They begin to burn so i close them gently and let the moisture of my eyelids saturate them. It feels so effortless and rewarding I keep them closed. I hear the hum of my fan maintain an entrancing vibe. I listen closely focusing in to notice oscillating discrepancies in its rhythm. I can hear the mechanical struggle of electrical current fighting with moving parts against the laws that govern motion.

I think about feelings. I think about feelings exchanged with others. Especially those who catch my eye. Those girls. Girls because they in my mind they are innocent. They have something to offer that is unadulterated and skewed with illogic and hurt. I think about it for a moment, my eyes still closed. I see her. Something that perks my inquisitiveness. My eagerness to just grab her and say ‘I think your wonderful would you sit with me I want to know you’ all in one breath. I instead watch. I wait for anything to lead me to think she’s anything less than great. I resume my work and glance in her direction to get a funny feeling that leaves me smiling inside. Was she looking at me? I pretend not to notice or I tell myself not to get too anxious because after all…it was nothing. I may be over reacting here. I continue on., very concentrated in my work,  but I can’t fool myself that she’s not in the back of my mind. Cooly I look up and glance towards her once again. I can’t help but smile. She quickly  looks down and away but maintains a smile that radiates the room.  Butterflies, fireflies, a drenching warmth and a sense of being alive wraps itself around me.

I see her walking away and I struggle to look for the appropriate words… I wanna walk with her, I wanna talk with her… time ticks as I get closer and closer until i blurt out a mess of words ” whathihowyouwanna” all at once- like I was speaking in tongues. Before I even know what I said she turns with and says “I’d love to walk with you.”  I relax and shake it off.

I feel asleep again. I woke up in a dream.

hello love. I see you floating just above, dancing and swaying in the gentle breeze. you blow here and there like a feather drifting gently. I chase you like a child, into the meadow. I love meadows. I lay down and scratch my head. Looking up into the blue sky, my eyes adjust to the brilliance. I see you love. so far above but not out of sight. I’ll sit here and wait for you. Collect a tan and rest my weight on the lush lawn. extend my toes and stretch my arms up and out.  I stretch my facial muscles into all sorts of funny shapes, raising my eyebrows and wrinkling my nose back and forth. The sun is shining radiantly. You can almost see its rays reaching like fingers across the blanket of blue above. its trancing. The aroma of wildflowers. Silent. Only the sound of wind blowing through the tops of trees not too far off. the short conversation between song birds. I close my eyes gently in a dream. Opening them i see my love. floating right above me. and i smile.

Dear Teacher:

Dear Teacher:
I need to express some thoughts about school and your class:
I was curious and concerned about my progress in your class. I do my best to seek out as many approaches and perspective to problems or challenges as I can in order that they be used to encourage better results.  My tendency is to look as deep as I can in order to see the significance to things because only then do I become engaged and enchanted by the value. I think every class offers a universal value that translates on some metaphorical or analogical level to every aspect of life or academic study. When I uncover that value I become excited and learning is a pleasure and no longer an automated chore.  If the intrinsic significance lacks, I have a hard time getting engaged and producing my best work. Sometimes I get anxious if I don’t feel that I’m grasping a lot of the value. That there’s still more to be unearthed.  Sometimes I’m hesitant and sometimes I go with the instinct to delve deeper- the results yielding bad and good for both. Sometimes teachers want me looking for more and other times they think I’m thinking too much and I get too far ahead of myself in accordance with the relevance to the material being taught.

What I’m basically asking you is am doing alright in your class? Should I be looking deeper? Where can I improve? As a student who is looking to learn as much as he can from the guiding hand of the teacher, is there anything I can do better or should be looking to refine? Should I reevaluate my approach? Do you have a challenging recommendation?  I’m looking for anything that would motivate or inspire some additional growth. Thanks.


Learning Dis-Ability

Article on Genius’s that were labeled “Learning Disabled” (LD)
These 3 LD scientists that this study researches are pretty amazing.

The number of papers that Bohr contributed to scientific journals is approximately 200 (Pais, 1991). His first scientific paper was published in 1909 at age 24. His last scientific paper was published in 1961 when he was 76 years old. Therefore, Bohr continued his creative scientific work for 52 years with the number of papers averaging approximately 3.85 per year (see Table 4).

According to Segre (1970), Fermi contributed 268 scientific papers, publishing his first paper in 1921 when he was 20.
his average number of papers per year is 8.12.

LD’s are not Disabled. It is a gift that the world cannot tame for its own use. LD’s work for themselves, motivated by their own desires. In this way they are more gifted.

you see what i’m saying?
we are not lab rats or kids who sit in cubicles or at their desks plugging someone else’s numbers without asking why. if the why? doesn’t exist in our minds we do not yield. In my opinion this is better. Only after we realize the intrinsic value do we delve into our vast reservoirs of untapped potential and creative genius.

What I liked the most was the Wisdom aspect. I like that. I would go on but it says it pretty clear about the advantages. LD’s intellect tends  to be fueled by a wiser motivation. Not for thier own pursuit as much as for the good of man as a whole. I like that. and i can relate.

I think depending on what context you look at an LD it can be considered a disability, only because it can be a disadvantage(I think you know I’m talking about certain aspects of school here, especially when we were younger).  For the most part i.e later on in life, I would fully agree with you.  It’s obvious to me the advantages to be had from looking at the world and its problems from a different perspective.  If people could only see the world in one collective way disaster would be sure to ensue.

Do you think your motivations for gaining knowledge is for the greater good, or for your own personal gain?  For me it brings up interesting self-reflective type questions.


It depends on how you look at disability.
 Dis- ability:
   1. Not: disjugate.
   2. Absence of; opposite of: disorientation.
   3. Undo; do the opposite of: dislocate.
   4. Deprive of; remove: dismember.

1.Power or capacity to do or act physically, mentally, legally, morally, financially, etc.
2. Competence in an activity or occupation because of one’s skill, training, or other qualification: the ability to sing well.
3. Abilities, talents; special skills or aptitudes: Composing music is beyond his abilities.

I think if you look at disability in a definitive sense it is very discouraging and condemning. It connotes that you ‘lack the competency’ or are ‘deprived of the power to do an act’.
I disagree with this. 

Tell me… do you believe this…

Are you…….?
1. Crippled; injured; incapacitated
2. persons who are crippled, injured, or incapacitated
1. Inoperative: a disabled vehicle
2. Impaired, as in physical functioning: a disabled veteran
 1. To deprive of capability or effectiveness, especially to impair the physical abilities of.
 2. Law To render legally disqualified.

Do you believe that you are indeed disable?

It’s almost hard to differentiate between Disabled and Incapable

    1. Lacking the necessary ability, capacity, or power: incapable of carrying a tune; incapable of love.
    2. Unable to perform adequately; incompetent: an incapable administrator.
  2. Usage Problem Not susceptible to action or treatment: a unique feat, incapable of duplication.
  3. Law Lacking legal qualifications or requirements; ineligible.

I don’t see any chance for anyone to succeed if they think they are disabled… let alone learning disabled..
I think it’s personality. I think is learning style. I hate the usage of… “learning disable”.. .may as well say we are “Learning crippled” or ” learning incapacitated” or “learning deprived” or ” Ineffective learners” nope. like that article proves….. You can be a genius… maybe ecclectic and unconventional.. to the worlds standards… but fuck the world. succeed on your own account and desires

I believe everyone is able… and what we need to develop is a need to exhibit these abilities.
As an LD (ADHD, Dyslexic)…we can do all things. We are capable. Just because we haven’t done the act to date doesn’t mean we are not capable. And if we haven’t been able to apply them consistently it simply means, in my eye, we haven’t yet. The bigger question is why haven’t you applied them.. or tried to.  You may have the ability but you may not know how to apply it. And that simply means that you need to figure out how to more consistently.. but more importantly find a reason why you should. That’s when I feel it will come more easily.

School sits uneasy with me cause they have expectation and when we don’t meet them when they say- boom. F. F is a reflection of your ability. no its not. Maybe you are capable of A+’s but the relevance to the course or significance to you is zilch so learning and applying the material or act alludes you’re grasp.

If you look at it from the another, maybe traditional sense, you can’t do something but you need to develop a skill. Maybe that’s the way you see it. New skills. But you will never develop new skills if you don’t see a why- and you will never develop a why is you don’t think you can. if you think you are “absense of the power to do an act” or you are ‘deprived of competency’…

You see how that talk is so self defeating?
Saying we have a disability is still the same to me as saying we are Fucked. Giving us medication or putting kids into special learning classrooms is like giving a cripple crutches or a wheelchair.  A quadriplegic is disabled. (even that is debatable- we see them walk after paralyzation all the time) but….NOT a dyslexic. NOT an ADHD student. Disability tells us we are doomed. We talked about what is a genius? who decides? what is smart? what is able? psychologically thats a tough thing to really come up with. how do you measure ambition, motivation, willpower?

When we talk about mental abilities I don’t think of it as a physical disability like many psychiatric’s do. I see it as a lack of knowledge. A lack of self- understanding. When we understand we can do all things.. and put our faith in the fact we can indeed do all things… we will succeed. Where does the strength in such a faith come in? to me God. He provides that.  Maybe for others they will try other things. Faith in themselves. in goals. In ideals, principles, values etc., maybe it works maybe they will keep trying other things. but you need to find why.

Our experiences and our personality (personal tendencies) shape the way we see the world. I don’t thing biological mechanisms and functions have too much of an effect. That places control outside of you. I don’t think that’s correct.
Just because you don’t know how to steer a  sail boat doesn’t mean you are destined to be a victim of the wind. You need to have the willpower and the why to decide where you want to go so you can decide what resources can be used to overcome factors and challenges so you can educate and develop an understanding to get you there.  So you can teach yourself through trial and error (or get advice from others) on how to steer it. They you will go far places. The better you get at controlling the boat the better you will succeed. It’s possible to do amazing things and go places even the wind wasn’t blowing… it takes longer and it requires more will power and faith and strength and knowhow but it’s possible.

I personally want to help people. The world. I want to contribute.
I realize though I was born to realize my potential and capabilities. By investing time in myself and my development I can better accomplish my undertakings and serve the needs of others. If i know how forage but there is a need for a farmer… what use am i? I need to learn how to farm. What use is anyone without the abilities to contribute to the needs of others? I think there is a great satisfaction that comes from accomplishment and making myself a better more able person. I think even greater is the satisfaction derived when that accomplishment puts other in a better place.  I want to make the world a better place for the most amount of people. I need to be confident and able in order to do that.

No rewards for myself would satisfy me if I didn’t have the company of others to enjoy them with.

It’s not how much you know. It’s not how many books you’ve read, how much schooling you’ve attended, how many big words or definitions you know.
 Its what you know or when to use the what.
It’s having the right tools for the right job.
Its pointless to carry around all these facts, and figures and assimilations that get you nowhere if you don’t use them or you know how how to use them appropriately to yield the most results for your efforts.

I’ve read

I’ve read that in order to be a writer- A Real Writer- you need to write 1 million words. If I wrote 1,000 words a day for 3 years… I’ll write a little over 1 million words. 1,000 words a day. What is that any way?

A 1,000 words from Emersons: Self- Reliance:::

I read the other day some verses written by an eminent painter which were original and not conventional. The soul always hears an admonition in such lines, let the subject be what it may. The sentiment they instil is of more value than any thought they may contain. To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men, — that is genius. Speak your latent conviction, and it shall be the universal sense; for the inmost in due time becomes the outmost,—— and our first thought is rendered back to us by the trumpets of the Last Judgment. Familiar as the voice of the mind is to each, the highest merit we ascribe to Moses, Plato, and Milton is, that they set at naught books and traditions, and spoke not what men but what they thought. A man should learn to detect and watch that gleam of light which flashes across his mind from within, more than the lustre of the firmament of bards and sages. Yet he dismisses without notice his thought, because it is his. In every work of genius we recognize our own rejected thoughts: they come back to us with a certain alienated majesty. Great works of art have no more affecting lesson for us than this. They teach us to abide by our spontaneous impression with good-humored inflexibility then most when the whole cry of voices is on the other side. Else, to-morrow a stranger will say with masterly good sense precisely what we have thought and felt all the time, and we shall be forced to take with shame our own opinion from another.

There is a time in every man’s education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better, for worse, as his portion; that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried. Not for nothing one face, one character, one fact, makes much impression on him, and another none. This sculpture in the memory is not without preestablished harmony. The eye was placed where one ray should fall, that it might testify of that particular ray. We but half express ourselves, and are ashamed of that divine idea which each of us represents. It may be safely trusted as proportionate and of good issues, so it be faithfully imparted, but God will not have his work made manifest by cowards. A man is relieved and gay when he has put his heart into his work and done his best; but what he has said or done otherwise, shall give him no peace. It is a deliverance which does not deliver. In the attempt his genius deserts him; no muse befriends; no invention, no hope.

Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string. Accept the place the divine providence has found for you, the society of your contemporaries, the connection of events. Great men have always done so, and confided themselves childlike to the genius of their age, betraying their perception that the absolutely trustworthy was seated at their heart, working through their hands, predominating in all their being. And we are now men, and must accept in the highest mind the same transcendent destiny; and not minors and invalids in a protected corner, not cowards fleeing before a revolution, but guides, redeemers, and benefactors, obeying the Almighty effort, and advancing on Chaos and the Dark.

What pretty oracles nature yields us on this text, in the face and behaviour of children, babes, and even brutes! That divided and rebel mind, that distrust of a sentiment because our arithmetic has computed the strength and means opposed to our purpose, these have not. Their mind being whole, their eye is as yet unconquered, and when we look in their faces, we are disconcerted. Infancy conforms to nobody: all conform to it, so that one babe commonly makes four or five out of the adults who prattle and play to it. So God has armed youth and puberty and manhood no less with its own piquancy and charm, and made it enviable and gracious and its claims not to be put by, if it will stand by itself. Do not think the youth has no force, because he cannot speak to you and me. Hark! in the next room his voice is sufficiently clear and emphatic. It seems he knows how to speak to his contemporaries. Bashful or bold, then, he will know how to make us seniors very unnecessary.

The nonchalance of boys who are sure of a dinner, and would disdain as much as a lord to do or say aught to conciliate one, is the healthy attitude of human nature. A boy is in the parlour what the pit is in the playhouse; independent, irresponsible, looking out from his corner on such people and facts as pass by, he tries and sentences them on their merits, in the swift, summary way of boys, as good, bad, interesting, silly, eloquent, troublesome. He cumbers himself never about consequences, about interests: he gives an independent, genuine verdict. You must court him: he does not court you. But the man is, as it were, clapped into jail by his consciousness. As soon as he has once acted or spoken with eclat, he is a committed person, watched by the sympathy or the hatred of hundreds, whose affections must now enter into his account. There is no Lethe for this. Ah, that he could pass again into his neutrality! Who can thus avoid all pledges, and having observed, observe again from the same unaffected, unbiased, unbribable, unaffrighted innocence, must always be formidable. He would utter opinions on all passing affairs, which being seen to be not private, but necessary, would sink like darts into the ear of men, and put them in fear. “




Thats not too bad.


How do you add value to something? How do you show others that something is valuable? How do you know if your efforts are going to be rewarded? How do you know you are happy? How do you know if you are sure? How do you know? Is there empirical data on things that attention more than others? Can this stuff be proven? Are instincts good or bad? How do we know?

Value. Who decides value? Who decides anything? This looking glass. I’m bored. Life is boring. School is boring. It’s so rudimentary. School is un-stimulating. Give me a challenge. Give me something worth figuring out. I guess I should be able to present and search out these challenges for myself. But then again… how can I -when I need college to get on with life- Have a degree so I can get a job and prove myself to society and the people who’ve read the books who got credit for them. What makes my endearing effort outside of the classroom any less reputable and meaningful? I want to know. I think about all the things I could be doing if there weren’t expectations. If I could set the bar. I wonder about the day I will do that. When I master the system and then say. Fuck the system. It’s a waste. It’s garbage. I recommend the books from yard sales and Amazon and I accept the late charges from the local library as opposed to the thousands of dollars thrown down on an education that certifies that you bought the books and you attended an hour or three a week. Fuck the system. Fuck the people in charge. Fuck the stifling. I want to learn damnit. Not out pace those around me and get reprimanded for it. Fuck them. I am bored. I AM FUCKING BORED. School bores me. I feel that I’m being stifled. I want new information and concepts and principles. I’m not a fuckin genius. but I swear to god I feel like I could be if I didn’t let myself buy into the perceptions that I need to be on pace with those around me. My zest far out weighs their pitiful excuse for effort. I can’t be around them. Their stench and lack of enthusiasm nauseates me. I want fresh challenges. I want NEW. I WANT FUCKING NEW. I want knowledge. I want practical knowledge in my pursuit for perfection. Damnit.

This fuckin system… the one i currently bought into…… i abide to the concept that it builds my character  when I do things I don’t want to do. Yea. That little concept escaped me for the majority of my life. I went from one fad, from one search, from one concept, belief, understanding, obsession, love, passion to the next on a tri monthly basis it seemed. It marked me no further ahead of my peers in the end. I feel better for it. In a sense I feel damn better for it. They haven’t lived. Been a servant of their passions. Only others. They live for the expectations of others. Well I have no own answers. And I fuckin don’t want to waste time figuring out a system made to fix everyone else’s.

BUT. Here I am. A hypocrite. I worked the service industry unfailingly for a year and a half of my life. Unwavering in my discipline for hard work and consistency. I finished high school. I’m in college. And now. I feel. At this moment. Like I am negating my feelings. Those burning passions. Oh… I have but one that has fueled me in this pursuit. It is the passion for LEARNING. Fortunately learning is a passion that burns strongly in the face of understanding wants or needs or not. It burns on in the midst of trial and error. It progresses and never backs down.

And I am learning. I’m learning a lot. A fuckin hell of a lot. A lot of shit that I am lacking the ability to really find the value in. I see its application. It’s so fuckin trivial though. I have answers that are searing in my depths that are freaking out to be explored. But I delay. And I continue on with discipline. Like a programmed idiot. I get rewarded with little gold grades. A+ for effort. That wasn’t effort. That was minimal shit I just produced. I could’ve written a fuckin dissertation and actually learned something of value. Gotten to the bottom of it. But no. we’ll save that for fuckin the PHD students. Man. oh man.

So I spew some toxic relief. I loose focus when I do things that don’t appeal to my passions. I mean. Thank god I’ve got that niche for just learning for the shit’s sake of it. Because I mean…even figuring out a little gets me worked up. I just wish I could get off with some real learning. Some learning with some depth and breadth.

When I’m not stimulated my desire to produce at all drops well below normal and this is seen as a faulty inability to maintain par – par to the ‘rest’. FUCK THE REST. I am above the rest. And each individual is above them. Cause we’re fuckin individuals. I have no sympathy for people who don’t produce efforts that are constructive. I hate myself for it. I need constructive objectives. I’ve looked a lot of my life for things that were deconstructive. The first part of my life I’ve weeded these horrible conceptions-uprooting them, and after gathering some principles and values that produce genuine fruit for the effort, I planted them into my life. Now. I operate with these set of convictions. NEVER wavering. But I feel. I feel- now what I’m about to say isn’t necessarily logical(at first anyways)due to the fact that it is an intuitive feeling- but I feel… that I am doing this whole school thing… and it’s a waste of time. YES. It’s making me a better person. I am recognizing my potential. That’s great. But man. Like I said before. I feel that I’d be far better off searching for my answers without the formal rigidity and pace of society.

You cannot look at a half painted canvas and decide whether the painter has true value, passion, and talent. I am not finished. Hold your comments until all your expectations for greatness are met and exceeded. In the scheme of things you won’t have to wait too long.

yo la tengo

I’m at the pub. Knotted wood tables and their ocherous tones, vaulted ceilings, solid oak benches, the smell of smoked hickory. The hum of conversing voices saturate the warm atmosphere. The TV announcer states the score of the football game. cackling and laughter erupt and subside into the natural hum of things. Books cover the table. A frothy half empty beer to my left.

I have the decision to think whatever I want. To generate any thought I choose. I am not a victim of my surroundings. I am free to choose my thoughts and decide my actions. My habits can be gleaned, new habits can be formed. I can refine myself into a perfect state if given enough time. What is perfect?

1. Conforming absolutely to the description or definition of an ideal type:
2. Excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement:
3. Exactly fitting the need in a certain situation or for a certain purpose:
4. entirely without any flaws, defects, or shortcomings:
5. accurate, exact, or correct in every detail: a perfect copy.
6. thorough; complete; utter:
7. pure or unmixed: perfect yellow.
8. unqualified; absolute: He has perfect control over his followers.
9. expert; accomplished; proficient.
10. unmitigated; out-and-out; of an extreme degree: He made a perfect fool of himself.
11. Botany.
a. having all parts or members present.
b. monoclinous.
12. Grammar.
a. noting an action or state brought to a close prior to some temporal point of reference, in contrast to imperfect or incomplete action.
b. designating a tense or other verb formation or construction with such meaning.
13. Music.
a. applied to the consonances of unison, octave, and fifth, as distinguished from those of the third and sixth, which are called imperfect.
b. applied to the intervals, harmonic or melodic, of an octave, fifth, and fourth in their normal form, as opposed to augmented and diminished.
14. Mathematics. (of a set) equal to its set of accumulation points.
15. Obsolete. assured or certain.
–noun Grammar.
16. the perfect tense.
17. a verb form or construction in the perfect tense. Compare future perfect, pluperfect, present perfect.
–verb (used with object)
18. to bring to completion; finish.
19. to bring to perfection; make flawless or faultless.
20. to bring nearer to perfection; improve.
21. to make fully skilled.
22. Printing. to print the reverse of (a printed sheet).

Unfortunately I am only given so much time on this earth. I find it my responsibility to get there as best I can while I’m alive. Wasting no time. Keeping my goals in focus. Choosing them wisely.

What is wildness?

The wildness I am referring to is in terms of ‘nature’ and the usual, almost programmed, behavior of things. Man has a tendency to escape this definition due to his ability to exercise behaviors that contradict most basic instincts for survival and the normal essence of self-preservation. This ability is due in part to his imagination. It is the biggest blessing and curse. It causes man to contemplate alternative realities aside from that of basic survival. This imaginative, creative, unrestrained intention to decipher more meaning from basic observations and routine causes man to distort the fundamentals of the basic modes of survival.

Wild is untamed. Although there are stigmatic connotations, wildness is different from being chaotic- in my mind. Wildness is freedom from the restraints of preconceived guidelines or rules. Free from restraints and the tendency to hedge it into a generic pretty box for examination. Wildness in the sense I am referring to it, is outside of any preconceived notions or expectations. It is deliberate. It is intentional. It is manifested through self-preservation. Although man may not see the significance of ‘wild’ behavior, it is only imparted for the desperation of survival. Wildness is the desperate result of organisms thriving to survive. It is the observation of the encoded will within all living things, struggling to survive as they battle with external forces that do their best to suggest otherwise.

Man, on the other hand, who tries to decipher this behavior, misinterprets this wildness for something banal and harmful. Instead of seeing evil as the forces that fight against this will to survive, he mistakes the wildness with evil.

Man has something else to satisfy other than his basic physical needs. Man tries satisfying his spiritual needs. Once mans physical needs are met, he explores additional meaning. He contemplates beyond his needs. He cannot accept the life of being satisfied physically. He searches for other means and answers to survival on an internal, spiritual level.

Any wildness he denotes to his surroundings is a misinterpretation of the struggle of a will to survive on a physical level. When the struggle ceases to exist it is no longer wild, but civilized and tamed. Usually this is at a physical level, and in nature it is always the case as animals lack the comprehension for anything else outside the basic survival needs for food, reproduction and shelter.

The funny thing with man is this. Man still, despite every physical need that is met, thirsts for more. He struggles to survive on some level he cannot figure out. He tries satisfying every physical need until there is little he has to do or think about to exist. Man often becomes a drone, and allows his mind to atrophy as he becomes accustomed to being fed answers and routine. He no longer exerts effort to fill that abysmal void, becoming in essence an animal or sorts.

Deep inside, if he ever dare challenged it, apart from the basic survival needs, there would be the wild will to survive on a level that confuses him. On a plane only recognized as spiritual. Man tries figuring it out by searching for answers, digging deeper and deeper into obsessions, commitments, knowledge, technology, relationships, things, etc., only to come up empty handed. His answers leave him discouraged or unsatisfied. His imagination cannot be quenched. His thirst and hunger to survive on the deepest level of human survival, on the spiritual plane, goes unsatisfied.

Wildness. Mans first instinct is his physical survival. When men are living with the mentality where their number one concern is survival- than they are wild. We see this first hand by examining the aboriginals and natives. Those who have figured out to satisfy these needs with ease look down upon the struggle. We labeled them as wild. They were just lacking knowledge to come up with the means or system that continually provides for their physical needs. Unmet physical needs cause incredible pain. Once that system is discovered or mastered he is not finished or content. This just gives man the opportunity to further refine his understanding as he searches for answers that satisfy that imaginative thirst residing deep below. Man strives to end the pain that resides at a much more internal level, trying to satisfy the spiritual needs in order to stop that internal pain. It’s survival.

Wildness. The definition is man’s attempt to classify anything that struggles to meet its physical needs. Because a knowledgeable way free from that struggle is not observed, it is wild.

Man turns animal’s from wild animals into domesticated pets or livestock. Simply by providing for it’s physical needs does the animal cease to fight. They care for nothing else but for the ease of their survival. They will do anything. Trained pets are an example of this. Livestock for food is another. They give no though to anything but that need being met.

Man is different. And on this quest of survival, it has led him to far exceed any basic survival understanding or mechanism. Man takes the process of easing survival far past basic physical needs into realms of vast understanding of the thing around him. Thinking that by discovering more it will satisfy the burning thirst and longing for more.

It never works that way.

feel life

I love life. I am not ashamed of any of my actions. I am transparent. Anything I do or say must complement and reinforce my philosophies. I want goodness. I love being positive. Not positive in the sense of being overwhelmed by emotional jubilee or fanatically ecstatic. I’m talking in the sense that anything is possible. ANYTHING. and I’m not talking about being unrealistic. I mean that: if you want something bad and the desire is strong enough and you set your mind to finish it and accomplish it through unwaivering perseverance and determination, you will be able to see it out until it’s achieved.


I don’t care so much about fame. I want to be influential. I want to be humble and willing. I don’t push for the credit. I am one person and alone I can’t do much. I want the credit to go where it’s deserved. I want to be a leader. Someone who is responsible for holding a worthy vision for those to follow. Something worthwhile and admirable. Fulfilling and satisfying. Maybe challenging, maybe uncomfortable, maybe painful- but rewarding beyond comprehension. I want to share that vision and invigorate the people around me to accomplish those ideals, goals, and successes.

I don’t believe so much in management. Management is showing or telling people what to do and how to do things in order to accomplish. I want to be a leader. Someone who gives people a reason so they are empowered with their own drive and motivation. It becomes something of intrinsic value to them and propels them to grow as a person and overcome anything in thier way. Managers are those raised by society to dictate. Naturally, they don’t foster creativity or freedom. They enforce guidelines and expectations. They were introduced by the system to dictate the wills of others in power.

As a leader you share with people a vision that will benefit anyone involved. Anyone who realizes the significance of this vision is inspired to put energy forth to materialize the ideal. Leaders know the way, show the way, and go the way. Others see the fulfillment involved and they learn whatever they have to to travel down that path. Leaders are steadfast. They are listeners and they care about those around them. They understand pain, struggle, and heartache. They desire and encourage those around them to rise above these trivial experiences that are inevitable and oh so common in life, and to focus on the goal. Focus on the ideal. The elevated vision of what life can be like if you actually did whatever it took to take you from where you are and improve your life. To bring you to a place of accomplishment. To bask in the feelings of achievement. Of overcoming obstacles and challenges that seemed so daunting. But you rose above. The leader accepts the responsibility for instilling that vision accurately in the hearts and minds of those around him and refining it to the precious state it was meant to be. The leader is responsible for sharing it with other. For living it out himself. In the face of adversity. Of judgment. Of negativity. Of criticism. The leader bears the weight of all the doubt and worry. Of all the why-not’s.

I want to be a leader. Leaders don’t have all the answers- BUT… But… they know the people who have the answers and they get them to work together. They know what the goal is- they know what is needed- and they think about the good of those around them. They contribute not for the improvement of short-termed reality- but for the long term wellness of everyone.

I want to be a leader. Someone people can look to who can provide them with comfort and reassurance. Hope and inspiration. I want to be a person who is not at the center of attention. No. I do not want the glory. I do not lavish praise or celebratory cheers. I want to be in the back room thanking God for his strength and love and faithful and blessing. I want to give the credit to the hard work of the people around me. Those who were reliable and faithful to the vision they put their personal time and energy into without knowing it would succeed.

I want to pursue excellence in every task. I know there is a right way to do everything. Knowing I wasn’t born into that way of thinking I find it my responsibility to invest in myself every piece of wisdom and knowledge I could add to my arsenal of understanding in order to achieve my full potential and understanding.

I don’t want knowledge. I want wisdom. Wisdom is knowing when to use what knowledge in order tp produce the best decision that would lead to the best outcome. But even wisdom is useless if its for my own wants and needs. I want to align myself to perfect will. To a perfect plan. Specifically to God’s perfect will and plan. I want to be going in that direction.

#1 The ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting; insight.
#2 Common sense; good judgment: “It is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things”

1. Acquaintance with facts, truths, or principles, as from study or investigation; general erudition: knowledge of many things.
2. Familiarity or conversance, as with a particular subject or branch of learning: A knowledge of accounting was necessary for the job.
3. Acquaintance or familiarity gained by sight, experience, or report: a knowledge of human nature.

I want to pave that path. Go into the unknown. Envision what ‘can be’ through the application of right principles and unchanging values. And have faith that these things will bring me to a better place. and they will. Right truths, values and principles.

I want to learn them. They will help me make decisions that will benefit anyone and everyone I come in contact with.